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The Top Benefits of a CPAP Machine

Dec 29, 2022

There are many benefits of a CPAP machine, and your doctor ordered CPAP treatment for a reason, even though over 50% of CPAP users never even reach the minimal time frame necessary to reap the therapy’s benefits.

According to recent study findings, only 60% of the estimated 25 million Americans who have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are utilizing a CPAP machine every night.

Although getting used to CPAP treatments might be difficult, it’s crucial to remember that sleep apnea is a hazardous disorder, such as the increased risk of high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, etc., that must be treated. Read on to find out!

Top Benefits Of A CPAP Machine

A photo of a teenage girl having a thumbs-up while using CPAP

The most popular form of therapy for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea is continuous positive air pressure (CPAP). Eliminate snoring and decreased risk of high blood pressure are evident benefits of a CPAP machine therapy. However, several other health advantages are harder to see or hear. Let’s go deeper to learn more about its benefits.

Enhanced Sleep

People who use CPAP devices benefit in a variety of ways. The air pressure maintains the airway open while you sleep, minimizing the breathing pauses that might result from obstructive sleep apnea.

As a result, there may be less daytime fatigue and weariness and better sleep and quality of life. The increased high blood pressure caused by CPAP devices also lowers the risk of significant health issues, including heart attack and stroke.

Persons with sleep apnea may find that utilizing a CPAP machine enhances their general quality of life. People may feel more rested and invigorated throughout the day with better sleep quality.

Improved Mental Outlook

Lack of sleep will not only make you physically exhausted but also deplete your mind significantly due to the emotional vice grasp it has on you. Depression and other problems may result from persistent gloom.

The daily grind further amplifies those negative emotions if you have sleep apnea, which may cause your anxiety to reach a breaking point. However, you’ll feel like a completely different person once you realize that your CPAP mask will lessen the sporadic nighttime awakenings.

Refreshed Feeling

The exhaustion and lethargy that arise from not obtaining regular, restorative sleep is one of the most challenging signs of sleep apnea. In sleep apnea, airway blockage causes your body to wake you up to reopen your airways, resulting in snoring, choking, or gasping.

You may experience this pattern again at night, keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep. You’ll get consistent, comfortable nights of sleep by utilizing a CPAP machine, which may significantly influence how you feel throughout the day.

Regular users of CPAP machines report feeling well-rested, having sharper focus throughout the day, and less prone to hypersomnia (excessive daytime sleepiness).

Better Mood

A photo of a woman having a beautiful day

Every day feeling exhausted when you get up is not enjoyable. It may be somewhat gloomy, and you’re not the only one. According to recent research, depression affects 73% of individuals with sleep apnea, with symptoms worsening for those with more severe OSA.

Additionally, anger, anxiety, and mood changes have been associated with sleep apnea. Only 4% of individuals exhibited depressed symptoms 3 months after starting CPAP therapy. This demonstrates how having adequate sleep may improve your mood.

Better Weight Loss

Even a little motivational boost may increase your likelihood of having the energy to exercise. Your sleep affects hormones like leptin and ghrelin, which may harm your health.

Leptin levels are probably lower in you than in those who don’t have sleep disorders. When you eat, leptin signals to your body that you are satisfied. Due to sleep apnea, your leptin levels may have dropped, which might cause you to overeat and gain weight.

Another hormone called ghrelin may make you feel relatively hungry throughout the day. Rising ghrelin levels might make you want to eat unhealthy snacks all day.

You will be one step closer to having more balanced hormones and more energy to promote a healthy lifestyle if you use your gadget every night consistently.

Lower Diabetes Risk

There is a relationship between sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes. When your body has not received enough oxygen, your body’s metabolism of glucose alters.

Your lack of oxygen makes you more susceptible to inflammation and glucose resistance. Continuous hypoxia, also known as oxygen deprivation, may cause type 2 diabetes or aggravate it if you already have it.

Utilizing your Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine reduces your chances of developing diabetes. It will afterwards control your metabolism and handle glucose resistance. Your oxygen will be supported by the pressurized air your equipment can provide.

You may be able to altogether avoid acquiring type 2 diabetes with sleep apnea treatment and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) equipment. Your sleep treatment should assist you in controlling your type 2 diabetes if you already have it.

Sleeping well and breathing effectively can help you avoid your type 2 diabetes becoming worse.

Stroke Risk is Decreased

An individual with severe sleep apnea is more prone to stroke because of the lack of breathing and insufficient oxygen. Strokes have the potential to be fatal or perhaps result in lasting impairments.

A stroke happens when your brain function temporarily falters. The blood vessels going to your brain have burst.

Sleep apnea sufferers depend on their brains to deliver signals telling them to take a breath. As a result, you choke or gasp for breath when you awaken. Using CPAP therapy to treat your sleep apnea lowers your chance of having a stroke.

Increase Heart Health

Long-term health is the ultimate goal, above and beyond the immediate benefits of a CPAP machine. When your body is under stress, sleep apnea may weaken your heart by lowering the amount of oxygen in your blood. Additionally, CPAP therapy is fantastic for your heart.

Your body produces adrenaline during episodes to maintain order, which may raise blood pressure and cause heart palpitations or cardiac arrest. Such heart attacks are avoided with a CPAP machine, which balances your body to ensure mild anomalies.

More Energy

A photo of an old couple enjoying in the field

The main indication of obstructive sleep apnea is severe daytime fatigue. Individuals who don’t get enough rest feel like they can’t keep their eyes open all day long. Your body begins trying harder to open your airways due to obstructive sleep apnea, disturbing your sleep cycles.

You wake up feeling drained, achy, and sometimes even moody as your circadian rhythm, or sleep cycles, become disrupted. This is because your body cannot get adequate restorative rest for physical and mental recovery.

Some patients have an immediate increase in energy due to their CPAP therapy, while others experience effects in as little as two weeks.

Lower Chance Of Traffic Accidents

Driving when drowsy is risky. In fact, according to police records, drunk driving causes 71,000 injuries and 1,550 road fatalities annually.

It has also been shown that those with sleep apnea are 2.5% more likely to get in an accident. Drivers were also more likely to be in accidents when sleep-deprived, had fewer than five hours of sleep or used sleeping aids.

But when research participants used a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure device to treat their sleep apnea, they reduced their risk of causing an accident by 70%.

Related Article: What are the Benefits of a CPAP Machine?

How Is Sleep Apnea Identified?

The advantages of using a CPAP device are many. In addition to boosting your mood swings, safeguarding your heart health, lowering your chance of type 2 diabetes, and much more, having a good night’s sleep has many other benefits of a CPAP machine.

You should see a doctor or sleep expert if your nightly sleep patterns are problematic and you suspect you may have a sleep disorder. If you see your doctor and fully describe your symptoms of sleep apnea at night and in the morning, they will probably recommend that you see a sleep expert.

You will have a few alternatives from your new sleep expert to get a precise diagnosis. The most typical next step is a home or facility overnight sleep study so they can keep track of your sleep.

Some people are more likely to develop sleep apnea than others. If you are, you are more likely to have sleep apnea than not.

  • Older age
  • A male
  • Overweight
  • Drinking alcohol before bed
  • Sedative use
  • A snorer in bed

Even while this isn’t a complete list of risk factors, it offers you a basic notion of who is more likely to develop sleep apnea.

After being given your formal diagnosis, you may anticipate your expert to provide you with a prescription for your new CPAP machine. The prescription will be tailored to the volume of compressed air you need for sleep.

Once you have gotten your machine and configured all its features and attachments, you are ready to begin your CPAP therapy.

Selecting the Best CPAP for You

A photo of a CPAP Machine

Though it may not be suitable for everyone, CPAP is thought to be the most effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.

People thinking about using CPAP to treat sleep apnea might decide to do an at-home sleep study and should discuss the pros and drawbacks of the therapy with their doctor.

Some patients may find that CPAP therapy is less successful, such as those over the age of 80. Other CPAP users could encounter adverse effects, including aerophagia, which is the over swallowing air, facial pain, and dry mouth or nose. Some users may find it challenging to continue their treatment because of these negative effects.

Consult your healthcare professional and choose the finest CPAP machine for your requirements if you are using CPAP therapy to treat your mild sleep apnea and are concerned about whether the CPAP therapy is good for you.

Final Reflections

There are several benefits of a CPAP machine for treating sleep apnea. Only your doctor can say with certainty how those advantages will affect you.

Untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of diabetes, strokes, heart disease and a shortened life span. Speaking with a doctor about how CPAP affects your other health issues is crucial. Before seeing your doctor, you should never stop taking medicine or medical treatment.

Some new CPAP users claim to feel worse after beginning treatment, although this is often because they are using the incorrect CPAP masks, haven’t yet been used to the therapy, or have improper pressure settings.

To learn more about the benefits of CPAP machines and for guidance on choosing the right device for you, we recommend visiting reliable resources like CPAPwater. Thanks for reading!

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