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CPAP Dry Mouth: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Apr 5, 2023

Although CPAP therapy may be an effective treatment for sleep apnea, it can induce adverse effects such as dry mouth. It is typical for CPAP patients to have dry mouths, with symptoms including thirst, sore throat, cracked lips, and trouble swallowing.

Dry mouth associated with CPAP treatment might be caused by mouth breathing, nasal mask leaks, or the usage of certain CPAP machines. Yet, there are several options for managing CPAP dry mouth and enhancing sleep quality. In the following sections, we will examine in depth the causes and treatments of dry mouth.

Causes Of CPAP Dry Mouth

Causes Of CPAP Dry Mouth

Obstructive sleep apnea, a sleeping disease marked by repeated breathing pauses while asleep, is often treated with CPAP therapy. Dry mouth is a typical adverse effect of CPAP treatment, despite its effectiveness in maintaining an open airway and promoting breathing.

Mouth Breathing

When you breathe through your mouth while you sleep, the air bypasses your nasal passages and dries up your mouth. Mouth breathing may be brought on by several things, such as nasal blockage or congestion, face structure, or habit.

CPAP Device Air Pressure

The oral and nasal mucosa may dry due to the CPAP machine’s air pressure. A dry mouth is more likely to occur when the CPAP machine’s pressure settings are higher.

Style Of Open Mouth Mask

By wearing an open-mouth mask while you sleep, such as a nasal pillow mask, your mouth will dry since air may escape. Full-face and nasal masks that cover the mouth and nose may help avoid dry mouth from breathing with the mouth open.


A dry mouth is a side effect that may occur after taking several drugs, including antihistamines and decongestants. These drugs may make CPAP patients more susceptible to dry mouth during treatment.

Nasal Obstruction

Users using CPAP may have dry mouths as a result of breathing via their mouths due to nasal congestion. Before bed, using a nasal decongestant or spray may help clear up nasal congestion and lessen the chance of developing a dry mouth.

Mouth Leakage

Air escaping from the mouth due to a poorly fitted mask or a mask leak might result in a dry mouth. Dry mouth and mouth leaks may be avoided by adjusting the mask or switching to a different mask.


Our body’s capacity to generate saliva declines with age, increasing the likelihood of developing a dry mouth. Older CPAP users may be more susceptible to developing dry mouth during treatment.

Understanding the root causes of dry mouth enables users to take proactive measures to stop it, resulting in a more relaxing and productive sleep treatment session.

Symptoms Of CPAP Dry Mouth

Symptoms Of CPAP Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a side effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment that may result in several negative symptoms, such as:

  • Thirstiness

Dry mouth might make you feel unusually thirsty, even if you drink enough water. This is because when you breathe through your mouth, the water dries up, making you thirsty.

  • Sore Throat

A sore throat from CPAP usage may also be unpleasant and irritating. A dry mouth might aggravate your throat, making it challenging to swallow or talk.

  • Rough Lips

Your lips may also become dry and cracked due to dry mouth. When your mouth is dry, the skin on your lips might become dehydrated and chapped, leading to cracks or splits in the skin.

  • Swallowing Challenge

You can have trouble swallowing if your dry mouth is severe. This is because throat discomfort brought on by dryness may make it challenging to swallow meals or liquids.

  • Poor Breath

Halitosis or poor breath may also be brought on by dry mouth. When your mouth is dry, germs may flourish and produce bad odor substances.

  • Inflammation

Inflammation of the tongue and gums, and other areas of the mouth may result from a dry mouth. Pain, discomfort, and even bleeding may result from this.

  • Dental Decay

When there is less saliva in your mouth due to CPAP usage, germs may accumulate and damage your teeth, increasing your risk of tooth decay.

It’s crucial to remember that although these symptoms are typically connected with dry mouth, they may also be caused by other conditions.

Solutions for CPAP Dry Mouth

The dry mouth may be a severe concern for many CPAP users, but luckily, numerous options are available to ease it. Listed below are a few treatments:


Humidification is one of the most popular treatments for dry mouth. During CPAP treatment, a humidifier is an accessory that delivers moisture to the air you breathe, which may aid in preventing dry mouth. 

Heated humidifiers and Passover Humidifiers are the two primary categories of humidifiers.

Heated Humidifiers

By heating water and circulating it through the tube and mask of the CPAP machine, heated humidifiers supply moisture to the air. The nasal passages and mouth may stay moist thanks to the warm, humid air, which can help avoid a dry mouth. Some CPAP devices have a heated humidifier built in, while others need an additional humidifier adapter.

Passover Humidifiers

Cool mist humidifiers, sometimes called Passover humidifiers, add moisture to the air by allowing CPAP machine air to pass over a water chamber. The user’s airway receives the humidified air when the air takes up moisture as it travels over the water. If you don’t want to use a heated humidifier during Passover, Passover humidifiers are a viable alternative.

Chin Straps

Using a CPAP chin strap is another remedy for dry mouth. During CPAP treatment, a simple accessory called a chin strap aids in keeping the user’s mouth shut. Mouth breathing may induce dry mouth; thus, keeping the mouth closed can assist in avoiding this. Both nasal masks and nasal pillow masks may be worn with chin straps.

Using Full-Face Masks Instead

Switching to a full-face mask may assist if you’re wearing a nasal or nasal pillow mask but still have dry lips. Full-face masks protect the mouth and nose, which might lessen the risk of breathing-related dry mouth. Finding the ideal mask for you may need some experimenting since some people find full-face masks bothersome or unpleasant.

Also Read: Best CPAP Full Face Masks For Your Sleep Apnea

Saliva Replacements

Try using a saliva replacement if you’re still feeling dry after utilizing a humidifier or other remedies. Saliva replacements are goods with characteristics similar to saliva and may aid in moisturizing the mouth. These are available at most drugstores in various forms, including sprays, gels, and lozenges.

Modification Of CPAP Machine Settings

Your CPAP machine’s settings might sometimes be changed to relieve dry mouth. Examples include raising the humidity level or modifying the ramp time, which is how long the machine takes to achieve the desired pressure. Talk with your healthcare physician or CPAP equipment supplier to discover whether altering the machine settings suits you.

Oral Devices

Oral devices are an additional alternative for CPAP users who also suffer from dry mouth. These gadgets are intended to prevent mouth breathing and dry mouth while you sleep by preventing the tongue or other tissues from obstructing your airway. A dentist may create them specifically for you, or you can buy them from a store.

Drinking Water

Water consumption before and during CPAP treatment may also aid in preventing dry mouth. The chance of dry mouth may be decreased by drinking enough water to maintain the moisture in the mouth and nasal passages.

There are several treatments for dry Mouth. You may need to experiment to discover the best approach for you, but with perseverance, most people may get relief from this frequent CPAP side effect.

Other Tips For Managing CPAP Dry Mouth

Other Tips For Managing CPAP Dry Mouth

In addition to the methods listed above, other strategies may assist in controlling dry mouth caused by CPAP. 

Here are several examples:

  • Hydration: Hydrating your body is vital for your general health and may also help relieve dry mouth caused by CPAP treatment. Consuming copious amounts of water during the day, particularly before bed, helps stimulate salivation and avoid dry mouth during sleep. You may also use a humidifier to provide moisture to the air in your bedroom.
  • Sleep Position: Back sleeping may lead to mouth breathing, increasing the probability that CPAP treatment will cause dry mouth. Side sleeping may minimize mouth breathing and increase airflow via the nasal passages. In addition to alleviating sleep apnea symptoms, raising the head of the bed may also lower the incidence of dry mouth.
  • Routine CPAP Maintenance: Maintaining your CPAP machine is essential to its efficacy and may help avoid dry mouth. Cleaning your CPAP mask and humidifier regularly and updating your equipment as directed by your healthcare practitioner will assist in guaranteeing the effectiveness and comfort of your treatment.
  • Breathable Clothing:  Wearing loose, breathable clothes helps reduce nighttime perspiration and overheating, which can lead to dry mouth. Using cotton or textiles that drain away moisture will help keep you cool and comfortable.
  • Avoiding Alcohol and Caffeine at Night: Drinking alcohol or caffeine before tonight may add to dehydration, worsening dry mouth. Avoiding these things before night may lessen symptoms of dry mouth.
  • Nasal Sprays: Nasal sprays may be used to alleviate nasal congestion, which can lead to mouth breathing and dry mouth. Saline nasal sprays available over the counter may help lubricate the nasal passages and aid breathing.

Employing All Solutions And Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep

CPAP users often experience dry mouth, leading to discomfort and disrupted sleep. This issue can stem from mouth breathing, mask leaks, and certain CPAP machine types, causing symptoms like thirst, sore throat, and cracked lips.

There are effective remedies for CPAP-induced dry mouth, including heated humidifiers, chin straps, full-face masks, saliva substitutes, and machine setting adjustments. Staying hydrated, maintaining CPAP equipment, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine can also help.

To alleviate dry mouth and enhance your CPAP experience, explore our range of specialized accessories on our Amazon store. Our products are designed to improve comfort and sleep quality for CPAP users.

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